June Penny Jar Proceeds will go to...

Ethan's Cancer Battle

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Angie's nephew, Ethan, is an outgoing and energetic young man who is attending 8th grade at Mountview Middle School in Holden, MA. Achieving excellent grades and close relationships with his friends are something that comes natural for him. Him and his group of friends can be found during the week after school at the local light department fields, trips to Dunkin Donuts, McDonald's and any other place that can feed a hungry 13 year old.  Ethan's passions become part of his lifestyle, including creating and mixing music, playing and training in paintball, and well of course, eating.

In early May of 2016, a small lump was found on his right temple. It grew slightly and was brought to the doctors for a checkup. After 3-4 weeks of doctors visits, the lump developed in a large golf ball sized lump . He went in for surgery to have it removed in early September. A biopsy was performed on the tissue, and was found to be malignant. Ethan was diagnosed with Synovial Cell Sarcoma on September 19th, 2016.

Synovial Cell Sarcoma is a rare soft tissue cancer that is usually found in joints in adolescents.

It was discovered this May that Ethan’s Cancer has metastasized to his lungs, in such a way that is now incurable. This disease will now live inside of him forever. We are helping Ethan navigate thru different options as to how the treatment should go.
