Are you a fan of Smiski, Pokemon or Jellycat? If so, you've likely noticed it's getting more difficult to track 'em down. Why is that? There are many factors such as increasing demand, resellers and distributors cracking down and limiting supply to shops not to mention the looming tariffs and how those may or may not affect the market.
As a small biz, we feel you. We're doing what we can to keep these items well stocked and at or below MSRP. We refuse to boost our prices to make a quick buck. Other companies (we won't name names) lure you in with buzzwords and "sales", but are you truly getting a good deal? We'll use Smiski as an example here. MSRP is $11.99. Another retailer has them "on sale" for $15.99 from $17-$20. They were never $20. It's a marketing tactic but really it's just pure deception. We will not raise our prices unless absolutely necessary, which sometimes means we make a little less on the back end but your trust is worth more than $$$.
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